Monday, January 21, 2008

Fighting off the Flu in Cyprus... perhaps

Tim had the flu for most of last week. He felt under par on Monday and Tuesday morning, though he kept going. Then for two days he had a high temperature, swollen glands, a sore throat, and felt totally rotten. He slept for several hours, drank a lot of juice, and a couple of smoothies, and had a bit of chicken soup. And lots of Vitamin C and garlic.

By Friday he was considerably better, feeling as if he simply had a cold. He went to band practice and youth group, and seemed to be fine. On Sunday he played twice in church services, including a big one for Christian Unity Sunday in the evening. He's still coughing somewhat, but basically is back to normal.

It's spreading rapidly around the churches. Apparently at least half of Tim's congregation have been struck down with the same thing, some of them more seriously. On Saturday I was asked if I could take the youngest Sunday School class at the church I go to, as the usual teacher had also succumbed.

A friend, who was supposed to be preaching that morning - and who never seems to get ill - had it too. I suppose it wasn't a good day for a Christian Unity service, with representatives of about twelve different congregations worshipping together in the evening, and no doubt sharing their germs as well as fellowship.

I am not usually very susceptible to colds and flu. But I've been looking after Tim, and breathing the air he's breathing, and also meeting other people who have been struck down. On Saturday morning, I felt lethargic and had a ticklish throat. I took a gram of Vitamin C and drank a lot of fresh orange juice.

By Saturday evening I felt rather weak and shaky, with a bit of a sore throat. That's just how this flu has started for many people. But I knew I had to go out to church on Sunday morning, to teach the under-fives, and I also wanted to go to the Christian Unity service in the evening if I possibly could.

So I took an extra gram of Vitamin C and ten drops of echinacea/goldenseal tincture, which tastes vile but is generally fairly effective. And two delicious roast garlic cloves (the very best way of eating garlic, in my opinion!)

Yesterday morning I had a bit of a cough and my throat was very ticklish, so I took another gram of Vitamin C and more fresh orange juice. I managed the walk to church - a little over a kilometre - and the class went well. I was pretty tired by the time I'd walked home again, but Tim cooked lunch, as he usually does on Sunday, and I did very little during the afternoon.

I felt reasonably OK by the time I had to go out again and walk to the Christian Unity service - also just over a kilometre, as Tim's church is just over the road from the one I go to - and back again, although I then went to bed with a hot water bottle around 9.30pm feeling utterly exhausted, shaky and shivery, and convinced I was going down with the flu.

However, before I went to sleep I took another gram of Vitamin C, and another ten drops of echinacea/goldenseal.

On Monday mornings I usually go out to the Post Office to collect our mail - that's about a 2km walk each way. When I woke up this morning, I felt achy and tired, and had a headache. So I took some Solpadeine, as well as Vitamin C, and then went out. My legs felt shaky by the time I got back again, but I managed it. I did my various housework jobs too, put on laundry, threw ingredients in the breadmaker, etc. By lunchtime I was feeling shivery, though Tim assured me it was warmer than it has been. I didn't do much at all this afternoon.

But... gradually I started feeling better.

This evening some potential new home educators came to chat about home education, and I felt (mostly) fine. It's now 10pm and I'm a bit tired, but a lot better than I was. My throat doesn't hurt, and doesn't feel clogged. I haven't coughed more than a couple of times in the past few hours.

I'm not sure if I've really succeeded in fighting it off, or if this is merely the calm before the storm.. but I shall be taking more Vitamin C and echinacea/goldenseal before I go to bed. The combination seems to work. I hope.

(PS - I phoned UPS this morning when I got back from the PO, to let them know our street address, and they delivered Tim's Christmas present around noon. So that's good!)

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