We have three visitors in our guest flat this week. The weather has been perfect so far - about 25C and sunny during the daytime, cooler in the evenings. Today, however, was predicted to have grey skies and high winds. So they thought they would walk into the town (about a mile away) and do some shopping.
They never got out. Mid-morning the sky clouded over, and within about ten minutes it had started raining. Heavily enough that the roof over our stairs started leaking, as happens with rain in some directions.
It's rained off and on ever since. Tim had a piano lesson, and was caught in the rain on the way there. He pointed out that he's a Brit, so he doesn't mind rain. She said that English rain is just a bit grey, and drizzly, whereas the Mediterranean rain is hot-blooded, like Mediterranean people, so it POURS down. This is, of course, true. I don't think we'd ever seen rain like this until we moved to Cyprus.
Unfortunately photographs of rain don't really do it justice, but here's what it looked like out of my study window, anyway... just imagine pelting rain imposed on it.
I don't suppose that one day's rain will make more than a slight difference to the extreme water shortage around the island, but at least it's given all the plants a good watering, it's washed away some of the dust from the roof, and our car looks a great deal cleaner!
Loved your comment that it is "hot-blooded" rain in the Mediterranean. Sounds like a good old Kansas thrundrstorm...did you have thunder and lightning?
Hey there. Sorry to contact you via comment, but when there's no email, one must do what one must do to get in touch.
I'm working on the city guides for Jazeera Airways's inflight magazine, J. We're starting a new thing called 'local knowledge' where you basically get to say where you like to spend time in Cyprus or what events are coming up that you might go to and why they're great things to do.
If you're interested in letting me interview you for about five minutes or if you want more details, drop me a line at taylor.leonard@ink-publishing.com or Skype me on rockmeliterati.
Thanks for the help!
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