Sunday, December 11, 2005

Front garden

Despite eight years living in Cyprus, it still seems odd to me that late Autumn is the time to put bedding plants in the garden. In the UK, it's late Spring, since they flower through the Summer and die when the temperatures get cool, usually aruond October. But here, the Winter is milder and the Summer too hot, so now is the ideal time. We've experimented with several types over the years, and the most successful seem to be petunias, violas and busy lizzies. So I bought a few of them a couple of weeks ago when passing a plant shop, and on Thursday I weeded one of the front flower beds, then put in the plants. Not that anybody's noticed yet...

There's another bed in the front where I usually put a few bedding plants, but it's still covered in weeds (in between the geraniums, which are perennial here)

It's been a mild and very dry winter so far. November should be the wettest month of the year but I don't think we had any rain at all since the end of October. Rather worrying, although with de-salination plants in operation we shouldn't run out of water. Anyway, a plus point is that the bougainvillea is still blooming:


Anvilcloud said...

That makes sense from the geography lessons that I used to teach in the past.

Solitary Devil said...

polli kalo post:D