Saturday, April 22, 2006


Strawberries are fairly inexpensive at this time of year, so this morning I made some strawberry jam, using the jam-pan we brought out from the UK last October. I also made some lemon curd since our lemons are starting to fall off the trees, so need to be used up. And some more yogurt, and some raw applesauce (which Tim and I eat for breakfast) for the freezer.

Then I spent much of the day reading.

Let me back-track a moment:

Unusually, we've been out three evenings this week. Twice we were asked out to friends' houses for evening meals, which was very enjoyable, and on Thursday the three of us went out to eat at a restaurant as it was my birthday. I'm now 46 so on the downhill slide towards 90...

Anyway, last night we ate at the home of some church friends and - as you do - got talking about life, the world and the universe. And church. None of us is really sure what we'll be doing in future. We're all, in varying ways and degrees, unhappy about what our church has been doing recently. I wrote more about this in March.

Some of our friends have been enthusing about a book called 'So you don't want to go to Church anymore?' by Jake Colsen. It's available to read or as an ebook at the author's site, and Richard has read it on his PDA. I hadn't taken in until last night that it was a work of fiction, or that our friends had a nicely printed and bound version of it...

So I borrowed it, and have been reading it off and on all day. It's only 160 pages so didn't take all that long, but it's very thought-provoking so I didn't read fast. It really is an amazing book. I suppose there's not really anything new, but the way it's written is inspiring and extremely encouraging. I wrote more about it on my book reviews blog, and an article about it on my Abstractions blog - and recommend it to anyone with any interest at all in Christianity or church life, including (indeed, particularly so) those who are feeling thoroughly disillusioned by church.


Lora said...

Happy Birthday Sue.

I actually know somebody who may truely need to read that book right now. I'll tell her about it.

Anonymous said...

The recipes look good! Been looking for a recipe for lemon curd, being every kind here is loaded up with corn syrup, a horrid product with many health issues to accompany it. My daughter will love this!! Thanks!!

mreddie said...

The lemon curd sounds tasty, don't know that I have ever tasted it though - unless it was called by another name. The strawberry jam looked yummy also. ec

Sue said...

Yes, peanut butter jars indeed! I like them best for all my jam etc, they're wide and the lids don't go rusty!