Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Family complete again :-)

Daniel is home! After two months on the Doulos, he flew back today. Actually he left yesterday afternoon, from Durban in South Africa. First he had a short flight to Johannesburg on a local airline, then a long flight to Dubia via Emirates Air, and then this morning a shorter flight to Larnaka. We all went to meet him - the flight was on time, and his luggage arrived safely. We talked a lot, and looked at some of the photos he brought back on CD and had lunch. He's now starting to unpack.

He's planning to continue updating his blog with some photos and more anecdotes and descriptions of what he's been doing, so please do have a look at it, and leave him a comment! He's written a quick update today to say that he's back.

1 comment:

Deb said...

That was never two months! Wow - it just flew by!