It's a good motivation to unpack the pile of boxes that were stacked in the corner! I started with the books - that was easy as he doesn't have a huge number and they easily fit in his two bookcases.

Then I tried to separate paperwork from useful things and also see if there was any real clutter that could be discarded. Dan liked to collect anything and everything! When we moved house, we did get rid of a large quantity of empty tissue boxes, milk bottles, kitchen roll centre tubes, and the like. Yesterday I also decided to discard several holey socks which he was going to make into glove puppets, or put around juggling balls to make poi. After all, by the time he comes back after two years away, I'm sure he'll have collected many more holey socks.
But it still all seemed rather overwhelming!
Last night Richard cut up some white melamine board someone had given him, and made three shelves in one of Dan's closets, so I could unpack and sort some more. Four main categories: ornaments, music things, juggling equipment, art supplies.

This morning I unpacked his box of CDs and put the computer ones in his computer CD folder. He took a small selection of music CDs with him, but there were at least 60 more packed in a box, all muddled up with the computer ones. Amongst them I also discovered two other CDs which we had thought were lost, which didn't belong to Dan at all!

Today I saw him online on Instant Messenger, and he said I could also throw away his Marmite jar collection. About eight of them, cleaned and filled with polystyrene packing beads, packed neatly away in shoe boxes. So we're getting there, slowly...
Did I see an easel in Dan's room?
Have you an artist son?
I saw talent in some of my kids for painting when they were small but they never did any work at it.
Then along comes one grandson that had all kinds of talent and he, too, quit.
I did a lot of painting before I married, 61 years ago, painting for soldiers in the hospital, WW II, Petty girls. Then when the children were small I like to paint nursery people for their wall.
Thirty years ago, I painted some, got into an art show via editor friends. Into an art class the same way. But I like to go on my own.
Sooo, I still have hopes of getting back to it!!!Still have my easel and paints, etc.
Good memories, good to talk about it.
See you, Betty G
LOL Sue, I've got a son like that, if not 2! The older one could find an excuse to keep anything, hates throwing anything at all away. I do sympathise, and I dread moving house!
Yes, Dan is an artist! He's so many things he simply can't decide what to do in his future - art, drama, engineering, music...
With Tom it's just the thought that something 'might come in useful sometime.' Bits of machinery, 1000 bits of computers - junk to me but potential treasure to him!
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