Friday, March 30, 2007

End of Spring and life in Cyprus in general

Our central heating hasn't come on for the past couple of days, so the indoor temperatures must be over 15C even first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Tim's abandoned the extra blanket he uses over his duvet during the winter, and I'm going to change from our 13.5 tog duvet to just the 9 tog version this evening. We haven't worn our winter jackets for weeks now, and are only using fleeces on top of sweathirts in the evening. Some of the plants, which I put out on the front porch during the winter to get plenty of rain were starting to fade and go brown with too much sun.

So, it looks as if Summer is on its way. I hope it stays as it is now for awhile, but you never can tell with April. The forecast is for daytime temperatures of around 20-22C for the next ten days, which is very pleasant.

This past week I've:
  • Got our financial records up-to-date online, and helped with invoicing Richard's work for the expenses he put on our credit card
  • Cleaned up the guest flat after the plumbing exercise, and made up beds for guests who arrived yesterday evening.
  • Finished sorting books in the church library, and begun updating the computer records.
  • Done some optimisation and minor updates to my home education site.
  • Written a short article about home education for the Oscar site (the article will be live next week).
  • Proof-read two essays Tim wrote for his theology course, which had to be sent in today.
In addition to the general family life, cleaning, helping at mothers-and-toddlers, collecting mail, and so on that happens every week. When people ask me what I do, I find it hard to answer; but I seem to be busy most of the time. I certainly don't sit around watching television. Well, we did watch one episode of Quantum Leap series 3 this week, something we do as a family about once a week, but I think that's the only time the TV was even switched on. Nor do I read much, other than half an hour or so before I go to sleep.

Of course my life is nowhere near as busy as Richard's. He doesn't start work till about 10am usually, and finishes around 7pm... but often works at home during the evening to sort out additional things, or just to catch up with email. Last night there was some major problem so he had to return to the office, and was working there with a young colleague, who's here for a month, until about 2am.

In a few moments I shall make the beds with clean sheets and finish cleaning, then cook something for our weekly house group. We always host the group which starts at 6.30pm with a meal together, sharing the cooking, and have our Bible study around 8pm. It works very well. Tomorrow Tim's involved in a youth service at St Helena's Church. On Sunday we're having some friends to lunch, and then in the evening Tim's playing for a special Palm Sunday service at St Helena's, which I shall probably go to.

And so the days whizz by...

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