I should be used to this by now. But each spring, I am awed again by the wonderful variety in these flowers - weeds, technically - which grow each year, beginning in the winter rains. The warm yellow is cheering and fresh. I used to love seeing the primroses and daffodils of UK springtime; most of them were originally planted deliberately by other people, even if they then spread. But these weeds aren't even wanted. They're just a splash of beauty without an inherent 'value'. God is undoubtedly a master painter.
Here are a few photos I took yesterday as I walked to the Froutaria. These are probably my favourite of the wildflowers; we used to get them in profusion in the garden at our old house:
Here they are in context, with different yellow weeds growing on the other side of some waste ground nearby:
These are a subtler colour, and a more interesting shape. I've no idea what they are, but they're very pretty:
And then there are these, large daisy-like flowers which wouldn't usually appeal to me, but the colour is rich and bright:
This morning I walked towards town, to go to Tots. I passed this large patch of waste ground opposite Fanoroumani Church; the ground is covered with a mass of yellow flowers:
This is a closer view of a small patch of them:
Looking through my older photos, I discovered a picture I took of the same area (albeit from a different angle) almost exactly two years ago. In March 2008 we had just finished a very dry winter, with the reservoirs dangerously low. That same patch of wasteland looked like this:
There were some yellow flowers poking through, but nowhere near as many as there are this year after what's probably been the wettest winter since we arrived.
The middle ones look like rape seed but not sure if they are.
They used to give me terrible hay fever back in the UK and I've been getting hay fever this past week so just guessed they might be....
I remember seeing yellow flowers when we were in Greece a few years ago. We crossed the Pindos Mountains, and went through all the seasons -- it was early summer at the bottom, and as we climbed hiher it was spring with meadows full of yellow flowers, and at the top it was winter, with snow on the peaks, and reversed the process going down the other side.
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