As she told her grandma on the phone, she only invited two families. But since we had a guest with us, and the other family has several children, there were quite a few people at her party. Eight adults, and fourteen children between the ages of four months and fourteen years.
It was a hot afternoon, so nobody wanted to be outside. And while there wasn't an official theme, Katie is rather keen on anything to do with princesses. So the children - those under the age of about eleven, anyway - started by colouring in tiaras to wear:
Helen, who will soon be three, proudly showed me hers when she had finished:
Katie - like most children - enjoys opening presents:
Since her favourite colour is pink, she was particularly happy with this 'dressing up' outfit:
She changed into it before playing a traditional German game called 'hit the pot'. It can be terribly noisy, so rather than a saucepan they used a plastic pot, and only one person was allowed to guide her.
Then they played some surprisingly quiet games, sitting in a circle. After which, we had some finger foods to eat, and then it was time for the cake, brilliantly decorated (as ever) by Sheila:
There were six candles which Katie blew out although she had to move from her seat to do so, otherwise the air conditioner would have extinguished them instead:
The candles were removed before she had a chance to see the cake properly:
It soon disappeared.. and then the other family had to leave. As peace gradually descended, Sheila and Katie sat down to read some of the classic AA Milne book, 'Now we are Six':
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