Friday, August 23, 2013

Another empty Cyprus shop

Last November, I wrote about the increasing number of empty shops that were appearing in our neighbourhood. This was long before the dramatic banking crisis that hit the international headlines in March - the economy of Cyprus has been going downhill for a long time.

I was, however, encouraged to note (back in November) that a recently-closed fruit shop close to where we live seemed to have re-opened as a mini-market:

I did visit it once or twice, although I can't say I was very impressed. There didn't seem to be much choice, and the prices weren't great. And then I didn't really think about it... until I noticed that it, too, had closed down:

I'm not surprised, although I didn't think the owners would discover quite so quickly that yet another mini-market simply wasn't viable. But perhaps they simply didn't attract any customers.

People still need to buy groceries, and our favourite supermarket (Metro) seems to be doing well, as is the excellent fruit shop (Achna) which I visit at least three times per week. I just hope they continue to do so... 

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