We weren't intending to buy the 'Big green clean machine', but our local hypermarket had sent out flyers advertising a better-known carpet cleaning machine at half price, a few. months ago, and our carpets were looking pretty disgusting. So we went to have a look, only to find - surprise, surprise! - that the special offer had sold out. But... lurking in a corner we spotted another special offer - slight cosmetic damage and a significant discount to a machine that looked a great deal stronger than the one we had intended to buy.
It was rather more than we had intended to pay - nearly £100 - but it was half its original price. There did not appear to be anything wrong with it, and we were assured that if it didn't work, we could bring it back for a full refund. So we decided to buy it.
Well... it's green! Definitely a bonus there, as I like green much better than orange, the colour of the other machine we were considering. It was rather a bright green when new, although it's a bit grubby now, three years later. It's a short tubby little thing, about 50cm high; rather cute in a way. As cute as a cleaning machine can be, anyway. It reminded me a little of R2D2, that friendly robot from the original 'Star Wars'.
It came with a huge sheet of instructions with little diagrams, and a large array of parts. There's a dust-bag for dry cleaning, and various hoses and attachments to do this; then for wet-cleaning there is a different set of hoses and nozzles, and a soft plastic tube which takes the cleaning fluid, and which attaches to the main hose by little clips. The instructions refer to the machine as the 'BGCM', so that's what we call it.
In a household with three males, I wasn't given much chance at first. They put it together in various ways, mostly by guesswork, while I was still struggling with the instruction sheet and trying to work out which piece of plastic corresponded to each diagram. It all seemed horrendously complicated; however later on when I had to put it together quickly, it wasn't all that difficult. The instructions did make sense, when I worked out which section was relevant to what I wanted.
It came with a special Bissell deep cleaning shampoo, which is what we used at first. However we were then unable to find any more when we needed it, so bought instead some 1001 shampoo which said it was suitable for this kind of machine. It worked just as well, so this is what we normally use. There are some shampoos which say in small print, 'Do not use in a deep cleaning machine' - so be warned. We bought one of those by mistake (it was even a Bissell brand), not realising until we got home. If you use one of the wrong sort, it can apparently damage the machine.
It's not bad as a dry vacuum cleaner, though it's a bit unwieldy having this machine follow you about the house. I wouldn't want to get it out every time I needed to vacuum, as it does take a few minutes to put it all together, and it's pretty heavy. The dust bag is also a bit of a nuisance to empty, and then really needs washing. However for a vacuum prior to a shampoo, it's pretty effective. Never do it the other way around (not that it would make sense to do so) since dust in a damp machine would turn to mud rather quickly.
This was, after all, the reason we bought it. And here is where the BGCM stars! The fluid is diluted, and poured into one compartment; the dirty water coming back out of the carpets go into another compartment, at the base of the machine. There are two large switches: one controls the suction, the other the cleaning fluid. There is rather a lot of noise when the machine is operating, but it is very effective.
There is a further control for the fluid tube, enabling the operator to spray fluid on the floor alone, or to spray while sucking out the dirt at the same time. We found the best way to clean a moderately dirty carpet was to spray an area of about a square metre with fluid, then wait a few minutes. By that time the fluid would have worked its way into the pile of the carpet, and we could then suck out the dirt, while continuing to spray lightly with more cleaning fluid.
Sucking out the dirt is very satisfying, since the hose is made of clear plastic, and you see dirty water being sucked out of the carpet and into the machine! However as you repeatedly spray and suck out the water, it gradually becomes much cleaner, and you can then move to the next patch.
The BGCM comes with a biggish suction thing for the floors, and a smaller nozzle for furniture. It works much the same for both, but with a finer spray and narrower area for cleaning. It's a bit hit-and-miss with the cracks and crevices of sofas and armchairs, but a satisfying amount of dirty water is sucked out, so we assume it's at least somewhat effective.
It's quite hard work doing the shampooing, since the nozzle has to stay in firm contact with the floor, so you have to push it gently downwards while pulling the whole thing gently towards you. However it can be done in stages; we find it best to allocate a whole day for carpet cleaning - or more, depending on how many carpets you have. Ideally all furniture should be moved out of a room before shampooing, although it's possible to clean around it.
Probably the hardest part is emptying the machine, unless you're reasonably strong. It has to be switched off, obviously, and the lid and hoses removed. The entire thing then needs to be tipped down the drain or into the loo. Someone suffering back problems would need to wait for a strong man (!) or else empty it when only partially full, since it's fairly heavy when full of dirty water.
At first we put it all away in the box each time, which was rather a nuisance. However we eventually got rid of the box, since the main body of the machine fits neatly on some shelving, and the various attachments can be hung up with a rack that's provided with it. It does take up a fair amount of space.
This depends on how dirty your carpets are! Probably twice a year would be ideal, but we generally do it about once a year, unless there's an unexpected spill or extremely dirty carpet.
It's excellent for getting rid of any kind of water on the floor. We had a problem with a leaking roof for a while. Before we had the BGCM it would take hours of mopping and drying to clean up after a heavy rainstorm. With the BGCM it took about ten minutes. I gather it can be used to unblock drains, although we've never tried this. And it could probably be used to spray wallpaper-remover onto high walls, although again we haven't tried it.
It's important to listen to the machine while it's sucking up water. As I mentioned, it's rather noisy - a droning sort of sound, while operating. When the dirty water compartment is full, the note changes. This isn't all that obvious, so you have listen out for it. As soon as the note changes, it's important to switch off, and empty it, otherwise the water could overflow and cause damage.
The BGCM is not cheap, but it's well-made and should last for many years. We hope so, anyway! We would not have paid full price for it at the time we bought it, but then again, over the years, it would more than save the cost of renting a good carpet shampooer once or twice a year. Shampooing carpets regularly is a good way to prolong carpet life, so that in itself is a long-term financial benefit from having a machine like this.
2022 UPDATEUnfortunately the furniture nozzle - which we didn't use much - started leaking after a couple of years, although it was still possible to use the main floor nozzle to clean sofas and chairs. The BGCM itself lasted us nearly ten years. It might have lasted longer, but the heat in Cyprus meant that the hose started to deteriorate badly. I think we had our money's worth out of it, and were able to lend it to several people, including regular cleaning of rugs belonging to our church, used for the toddler group.
As well as cleaning carpets, it was effective for cleaning any kind of flood, such as when a washing machine leaked badly, as well as keeping carpets in reasonable condition. I would still recommend it, or the modern equivalent, if you have a lot of carpets, particularly if any of the household have allergies as it keeps down dust and (if relevant) pet hair. But we replaced ours in 2014 with the smaller equivalent, and have been very pleased with it.